Pottery Guidelines

The Jubilee Pottery Studio is a busy, creative space. Please follow these guidelines to ensure that it is a safe place to work. 


  • Please be mindful and respect everyone in the space.  
  • Clean and respect the equipment, tools, and workspace. 
  • No food and drink in the studio. 
  • Students are not allowed in the Kiln Room 
  • Leave the studio as you’d like to find it. 


Clay dust is harmful, please follow these guidelines for your and everyone’s safety. 

  • Tools must be thoroughly cleaned and put back to where they are kept after use. 
  • Tables must be cleared and cleaned after use.  
  • At the end of your class, please ensure your workspace and surrounding area are clean. Use a damp sponge and a jug of water. 


  • Aprons are not supplied. Please bring your own clean apron (or suitable clothing) to each session. 


  • Please only use equipment you have been shown how to use by a tutor/have had an introduction. If you’re unsure, please ask your tutor. 
  • Put away all equipment where you found it. 
  • Clean all equipment thoroughly after use. 
  • Ensure hands are clean before handling tools and equipment. 
  • All of the wheels must be clean after use, this includes the seat, skirt etc. 
  • Use of the wheels can’t be guaranteed


  • Gloves MUST be worn when glazing. If you refuse to wear gloves, you will not be able to glaze. 
  • Ask a tutor when using underglazes. They will be premixed in sealed tubs. Students to use a pipette.  
  • Ensure glaze buckets are clean after use. 
  • All students to have glazing induction before using glazes. 


  • Please keep walkways clear of bags and coats. Store coat on hooks 


  • Please do not use more clay than needed to reduce unnecessary waste. 
  • Place tired clay for reclaim in the correct reclaim bucket i.e. white clay in white clay bucket. 
  • Do not overfill the waste bucket (do not exceed the max line indicated on bucket). Ask tutor for another bucket if full. 
  • Students are not allowed to get clay bags themselves, please ask your tutor. 


If your work is ready to fire please place it on the correct shelf. 

  • BISQ (1st Firing) – Ideally when dry and no plaster/moulds on this shelf. All items must be signed. 
  • GLAZE (2nd Firing) – Ensure you have a clean bottom. 

If there is no room, please place your work back on your working shelf. If you are unsure, please ask your tutor. 


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