With our galleries being shut, we want to try bring you as much as possible from our current exhibition to online…

THE GREAT LEAP FORWARD EXHIBITION was our last (and still) current show on at Quay Arts in the West Gallery, but sadly came to an abrupt end to the Covid-19 crisis. The Great Leap Forward Exhibition is a group exhibition of work created by local school children from across the Island reflecting upon the heritage of the Isle of Wight and theme of ‘The Future’, drawing inspiration from, and celebrating the Lift The Lid project and commissions.
What is Lift the Lid?
Lift the Lid on Island Culture is a 2 year project focused on four brand new art commissions, the aim being to reignite a sense of pride and passion in the cultural heritage of the Isle of Wight. The project, led by the IW Cultural Education Partnership, involved schools, key artists, https://sdarcwellness.com/buy-prednisone-online/ community groups, arts and heritage organisations, with local community workshops and school sessions. The final phase, The Great Leap Forward is a celebration of the art commissions and a call to explore the future of culture on the Island through the eyes of young people.
BACK & FORTH – A film by artist Dmitri Galitzine🎥🎞
One of the four commissioned pieces of art for the Lift the Lid project, Back and Forth, a film by Dmitri Galitzine, is online for all to watch and enjoy…

💗Show your LOVE to the QUAY💗 With care and concern for our staff and visitors, we have temporarily closed to the public. As most of you will know, Quay Arts is a charity that can only exist with the active and generous support of people like you. Please help us continue to support the cultural life of our Island community through this difficult time and in the future by making a donation today