Submission Form

    Quay Arts Biennial Open Exhibition 2021
    Application form

    Full Name


    Email Address

    Date of Birth


    Artist Statement (300 words max.)


    Please attach visual representations of the work you wish to exhibit.
    Max no of works 3. Max file size 6mb per work.
    For film/audio works, please provide web links.
    If works are still in development, please provide sketches or photos of previous work.

    Please include the following details for each work submitted ensuring the file name corresponds with the title of the artwork. If a piece of work is for sale please ensure the figure supplied factors in Quay Arts commission @ 40% +VAT




    If submitting video/audio files please submit links to hosted videos below (ie: YouTube/Vimeo/SoundCloud etc)



    If any of your work has specific technical instructions for installation, please provide details here:



    Even a little money can make a big difference at Quay Arts

    Did you realise that when you buy a cup of freshly ground barista coffee in our Café Bar, you are helping to support the cultural life of the Isle of Wight?

    However, the generosity of our supporters goes beyond sales of food, drink and theatre tickets. Gifts of money, time, and even specific items make a huge difference to the amount of work we can do. Together, we can continue to enrich the lives of islanders and visitors with our fantastic programme of events.