The In Tune Upcycle Orchestra – connecting inspirational individuals to the power of music. Our unique and awesome musical project has the great pleasure of being part of the Quay arts community. We have been welcomed with open arms and rehearsing in the theatre on a Friday gives all of the participants a chance to shine!! As we adapt to the situation we are all in at the moment we thought that it would be a nice idea to introduce you to not only our project but the inspirational individuals that are part of the band. This week I have the pleasure of introducing you to Mr Kye Watson. Kye has been part of the upcycled orchestra from the begining and as the project has growed he has totaly key blossomed. He has transformed from somebody who enjoyed singing but would only do it if he didn’t have to look at anyone because he was “embarrassed”, to the great, confident performer you see in this video. Please take time to look at this all of the way through because it is both awesome and powerfull. Happy Friday people, I give you Kye performing “Memory” from the musical cats – DARREN PRICE. INTUNE ORCHESTRA FACILITATOR
In Tune Upcycle Orchestra – Kye Wilson