The In Tune Upcycle Orchestra – connecting inspirational individuals to the power of music. Our unique and awesome musical project has the great pleasure of being part of the Quay arts community. We have been welcomed with open arms and rehearsing in the theatre on a Friday gives all of the participants a chance to shine!! As we adapt to the situation we are all in at the moment we thought that it would be a nice idea to introduce you to not only our project but the inspirational individuals that are part of the band. This week I have the pleasure of introducing you to Mr Kye Watson. Kye has been part of the upcycled orchestra from the begining and as the project has growed he has totaly key blossomed. He has transformed from somebody who enjoyed singing but would only do it if he didn’t have to look at anyone because he was “embarrassed”, to the great, confident performer you see in this video. Please take time to look at this all of the way through because it is both awesome and powerfull. Happy Friday people, I give you Kye performing “Memory” from the musical cats – DARREN PRICE. INTUNE ORCHESTRA FACILITATOR
Category: Quay@Home
Throwback Thursday: Quay Arts Heritage
The Great Leap Forward Exhibition
With our galleries being shut, we want to try bring you as much as possible from our current exhibition to online…

THE GREAT LEAP FORWARD EXHIBITION was our last (and still) current show on at Quay Arts in the West Gallery, but sadly came to an abrupt end to the Covid-19 crisis. The Great Leap Forward Exhibition is a group exhibition of work created by local school children from across the Island reflecting upon the heritage of the Isle of Wight and theme of ‘The Future’, drawing inspiration from, and celebrating the Lift The Lid project and commissions.
What is Lift the Lid?
Lift the Lid on Island Culture is a 2 year project focused on four brand new art commissions, the aim being to reignite a sense of pride and passion in the cultural heritage of the Isle of Wight. The project, led by the IW Cultural Education Partnership, involved schools, key artists, community groups, arts and heritage organisations, with local community workshops and school sessions. The final phase, The Great Leap Forward is a celebration of the art commissions and a call to explore the future of culture on the Island through the eyes of young people.
BACK & FORTH – A film by artist Dmitri Galitzine🎥🎞
One of the four commissioned pieces of art for the Lift the Lid project, Back and Forth, a film by Dmitri Galitzine, is online for all to watch and enjoy…

💗Show your LOVE to the QUAY💗 With care and concern for our staff and visitors, we have temporarily closed to the public. As most of you will know, Quay Arts is a charity that can only exist with the active and generous support of people like you. Please help us continue to support the cultural life of our Island community through this difficult time and in the future by making a donation today
Origins Theatre – The Souvenir
Tonight would of been the first event of our NEW Spring 2020 programme. Origins Theatre Company were scheduled to be performing their performance ‘The Mask’ at Quay Arts this evening.🎭
HOWEVER…The show must go on(line)! ♥️
Check out part one of their production of ‘The Souvenir’ from 2017 – the play can be watched in full HERE on Derek Farrell’s Youtube channel.
If you’re missing the theatre, make sure to go over to the Origins Theatre Company page and show them some love!

💗Show your LOVE to the QUAY💗 With care and concern for our staff and visitors, we have temporarily closed to the public. As most of you will know, Quay Arts is a charity that can only exist with the active and generous support of people like you. Please help us continue to support the cultural life of our Island community through this difficult time and in the future by making a donation today
In Tune Upcycle Orchestra – Jamie May
Every Friday at Quay Arts we normally have the incredible In Tune Upcycle Orchestra rehearsing in our building.
“The In Tune Upcycle Orchestra – connecting inspirational individuals to the power of music. Our unique and awesome musical project has the great pleasure of being part of the Quay arts community. We have been welcomed with open arms and rehearsing in the theatre on a Friday gives all of the participants a chance to shine!!
As we adapt to the situation we are all in at the moment we thought that it would be a nice idea to introduce you to not only our project but the inspirational individuals that are part of the band.
To put a smile on your face and maybe a little lump in your throat we decided that today we would post a Video of the incredible Jamie May. She is one of the most inspirational people you will ever meet and despite what life throws at her she faces it head on with a smile on her face!! key What makes this performance from Jamie May amazing is that she finds it very difficult to talk and uses an eye gaze system to communicate. However when you put a microphone in front of her she just comes to life!! With the very apt “Friday I’m in love” please enjoy Jamie’s performance!!” – Darren Price – In Tune Upcycle Orchestra Facilitator

💗Show your LOVE to the QUAY💗 With care and concern for our staff and visitors, we have temporarily closed to the public. As most of you will know, Quay Arts is a charity that can only exist with the active and generous support of people like you. Please help us continue to support the cultural life of our Island community through this difficult time and in the future by making a donation today
HOMEART #1 – Spring Butterflies
For all the parents who are at home and learning the new ways of home schooling, we are introducing HOMEART with Quay Arts! Each week we will be posting an easy art activity that you can do from home with the children.
Make an origami butterfly, or a Kaleidoscope of butterflies if you get into the groove.
✂️Take a sheet of square paper – an A4 can be cut or torn down to 21cm square which is a nice size to work with.
🖍Follow the 10 steps carefully, buy xanax 2mg online making strong creases. Your first butterfly might be a bit wonky, but with practice you’ll get it!
🎨Try using different size squares of paper and adding details with crayon, pen, pastels or paint – whatever is to hand. You can decorate a sheet before you fold it creating some unexpected results!
✏️Why not try making native species such as Peacock, Brimstone, marbled White or the Island’s special species the Glanville Fritillary?
Artists to follow up
This activity was inspired by HB, a member of Quay Arts Young Quay group.
As most of you will know, Quay Arts is a charity that can only exist with the active and generous support of people like you. Together, we can continue to support the cultural life of our Island community through this difficult time and in the future.
We have launched an online Gift Voucher which can be purchased now and redeemed in the future key when we resume normal activity. The voucher can be used in our Craft Shop, Café, or to purchase a ticket for an event, course or workshop. We really are relying on the support and love from all you wonderful people right now. Please keep safe, be sensible and get creative.